And so we are still under a form of lockdown conditions here, although the details do seem to change almost daily! I have managed to enjoy regular Thursday Plein Air painting and drawing ( socially distanced of course) and the time spent at home / in the studio have resulted in a garden which has never looked so vibrant , the positive being that it has provided a regular source of material and inspiration for my print making and drawing.
The outcome has been my “Garden Series” of prints which has been both challenging and enjoyable. I entered four of the prints into a recent exhibition at RBSA and was delighted to be awarded a Highly Commended by the judges.
My work derived from the locality of the West Midlands has also been recognized . Four of my industrial / Urban prints have been forwarded to be included in a Warwickshire based project celebrating the industrial heritage of Birmingham and the West Midlands. I look forward to visiting the exhibition in the near future
Painting at Himley Hall